BBQ Jackfruit Sandwiches

Person holding a BBQ Jackfruit Sandwich.

Hi! Meet your new friend, the most saucy, meaty-like BBQ sandwich with a crunchy slaw on toasted brioche bun that is so filling, so day-making, so flavorful and easy, and also…totally meatless.

That’s right. We’re calling upon that can of JACKFRUIT to impress us with her meaty-textured ways here, and she does not disappoint.

What You’ll Need To Make BBQ Jackfruit Sandwiches

Here are your short-ingredient-list essentials for this beautiful towering crunchy-saucy sandwich:

  • a can of jackfruit
  • chickpeas
  • BBQ sauce
  • slaw
  • buns

Plus or minus some extras like garlic, a few extra spices, maybe some pickles and/or hot sauce as a topping, and boom. You’re there.

New To Jackfruit?

Let’s talk about this meaty-but-not-meaty filling for a moment.

Roasted jackfruit in a pan.

If you’ve never cooked with canned jackfruit, listen up. You’re in for a fun adventure because IT’S SO EASY, pantry-friendly, and just really unique. The hardest part is probably finding it, but even that isn’t too hard: most health-emphasis or specialty grocery stores carry it, and when all else fails, Amazon!

When you push on the jackfruit pieces with the back of a wooden spoon or fork, they press apart into shreds that resemble shredded chicken, pork, etc. And when you add spices, a little brown sugar, and some BBQ sauce and let it all fry up in a pan? You’re going to get some really nice sweet and smoky roasty-ness on that jackfruit that is going to make you wonder where it’s been all your life.

And to take things to the next level, my friend Melissa has taught me the way: get some blitzed up chickpeas in there with those jackfruit shreds to kind of boost up the oomph factor and make it really feel substantial, filling, and crave-able.

Check, check, and check.

Close-up of BBQ Jackfruit Sandwiches with slaw on a bun.

Now To Some Sandwich Styling

Toppings are your choice, naturally, but I am a big proponent of just a bag of store-bought coleslaw, especially in these SOS times that we are in. Do I prefer the delicate texture of a homemade cabbage slaw? Yes. But when I’ve got 100 other fires to put out in the house, like, NOW? That is not the moment for me to be shredding up a head of cabbage.

Other toppings that I’ve loved that require zero advance prep: avocado, pickles, pepperoncini, and hot sauce. Whatever gives it a little zip and zazz and maybe even a little bite – that’s what I like.

Should you eat a pile of jalapeño cheddar kettle chips with your sandwich? I mean, do you love yourself? I think that is the real question at hand.

BBQ Jackfruit Sandwiches on a plate.
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